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GSWS – Rationalization of Village / Ward Secretariats and Functionaries for achievement of Swarna Andhra Vision @ 2047

GSWS – Rationalization of Village / Ward Secretariats and Functionaries for achievement of Swarna Andhra Vision @ 2047

GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT Dept., of GSWS – Rationalization of Village / Ward Secretariats and Functionaries for effective implementation of Real Time Governance at Village / Ward level and achievement of Swarna Andhra Vision @ 2047 – Orders – Issued 

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1. G O Ms No.110, PR&RD (MDL-1) Department, Dated: 19.07.2019. 

2. G O Ms No.217, MA&UD (UBS) Department, Dated: 20.07.2019. 

3. AP Grama Sachivalayams and Ward Sachivalayams Act, 2023. 

4. From the Director, GSWS, Vijayawada vide e-file.no. (Computer.NO.2682229).



In the G.O.s 1 st& 2 nd read above, Government had established 11,162 Village Secretariats and 3,842 Ward Secretariats with 11 Functionaries and 10 Functionaries were positioned in the Village /Ward Secretariats respectively. 

02. In the reference 4 th read above, the Director, GSWS, Vijayawada has requested the Government to issue necessary orders on the following: 

a. Categorize the Village/Ward Secretariats Functionaries into Multipurpose, Technical and Aspirational. 

b. Categorize the Secretariats into 3 categories, duly giving flexibility to take care of tribal and remote habitations 

Category “ A” Secretariats having population up to 2500 

Category“ B” Secretariats having population from 2501 to 3500 

Category“ C” Secretariats having population more than 3500 

c. Deployment of optimum number of functionaries to ensure effective discharge of various functions. Minimum of 6 Functionaries in the Village /Ward Secretariats having population below 2500, 7 functionaries in the Village /Ward Secretariats having population below 2501 to 3500 and 8 functionaries in the Village /Ward Secretariats having population above 3501. 

The number of functionaries may go up based on the population, nature of economic activities and workload in the Secretariats. 

d. Aspirational Functionary to adopt emerging technologies like IoT, AI, Drones and other deep-technologies in governance. From among the functionaries deployed in the secretariat, one having Technical / relevant qualifications and passion on latest technologies like IoTs, AI, ML etc to be designated as Aspirational Functionary. 

e. After rationalisation of Functionaries if any surplus Functionaries available shall be utilized in the GSWS Field Offices to be establishedor redeployed in the other Government Departments. 

f. If any habitation of Village Secretariat is more than 10 kms away, it may be attached to the nearest Secretariats or propose to establish new Secretariats if the situation is un-avoidable. This shall be done without disturbing Gram Panchayat & Revenue Village and functionaries from surplus pool to be utilized for this. 

g. The Panchayat Secretary and the Ward Administrative Secretary will be designated as the Head of the Village /Ward Secretariats respectively. 

h. Establish 3 tier GSWS structure in the Field with District GSWS Office at district level, Mandal/ULBoffice with supporting Staff to look after & monitor Village /Ward Secretariats’ activities at the Mandal / ULB under the supervision of MPDO/ Municipal Commissioner and Secretariats- at Village / Ward level. 

i. Secretariats shall act as Hub for creating a knowledge society, through Skill Development, Digital literacy, AI adoption, facilitation to MSMEs, food processing and value addition to the products, Marketing, Employment generation etc. 

03. Government after careful examination of the matter, hereby order forrationalization of the Village/ Ward Secretariats and Functionaries for effective implementation of Real Time Governance at Village / Ward level and achievement of Swarna Andhra Vision @ 2047 as follows: 

a. Categorize the Village /Ward Secretariats Functionaries into Multipurpose, Technical and Aspirational. 

b. Categorize the Secretariats into 3 categories, duly giving flexibility to take care of tribal and remote habitations 

Category“ A” Secretariats having population up to 2500 

Category“ B” Secretariats having population from 2501 to 3500 

Category“ C” Secretariats having population more than 3500 

c. Deployment of optimum number of functionaries to ensure effective discharge of various functions. Minimum of 6 Functionaries in the Village /Ward Secretariats falling under “ Category A” , Minimum 7 Functionaries in the Village /Ward Secretariats fallingunder “ Category B” and Minimum 8 Functionaries in the Village /Ward Secretariats falling under “ Category C” . The number of functionaries may go up based on the population, nature of economic activities and workload in the Secretariatswith the approval of the Government. 

d. Aspirational Functionary to adopt emerging technologies like IoT, AI, Drones and other deep-technologies in governance. From among the functionaries deployed in the secretariat, one having Technical / relevant qualifications and passion on latest technologies like IoTs, AI, ML etc to be designated as Aspirational Functionary. 

e. After rationalisation of Functionaries, surplus Functionaries available if any shall be utilized in the GSWS Field Offices to be establishedor redeployed in the other Government Departmentsas per requirement duly constituted committee. 

f. The Habitation(s) which are more than 10 Kms away of Village Secretariats, it may be attached to the nearest Secretariatwithout disturbing Gram Panchayat & Revenue Villageor propose to establish new Secretariat(s)in schedule Tribal Areas only and deploy functionaries from the surplus pool. 

g. The Panchayat Secretary and the Ward Administrative Secretary will be designated as the Head of the Village /Ward Secretariats respectively. 

h. Establish 3 tier GSWS structure in the Field with District GSWS Office at district level, Mandal/ULBoffice with supporting Staff to look after & monitor Village /Ward Secretariats’ activities at the Mandal / ULB under the supervision of MPDO/ Municipal Commissioner and Secretariats- at Village / Ward level. 

i. Secretariats shall act as Hub for creating a knowledge society, through Skill Development, Digital literacy, AI adoption, facilitation to MSMEs, food processing and value addition to the products, Marketing, Employment generation etc. 

04. The Director, GSWS shall take necessary action accordingly to implement the above decisions. 

05. This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide U.O.No.FIN01-2683310/FMU0PC(PRRD)/5/2025-AS-16, dt.17.01.2025. (By ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) 

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GSWS – Rationalization of Village / Ward Secretariats and Functionaries for achievement of Swarna Andhra Vision @ 2047


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