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Friday, May 17, 2024

NISHTHA - 3.0 & 4.0 Rerunning on DIKSHA APP Course Join Links

NISHTHA - 3.0 & 4.0 Rerunning on DIKSHA APP Course Join Links. Rerunning of NISHTHA -  3.0 & 4.0 on DIKSHA APP Course Join Links

Sub: Samagra Shiksha, AP - Quality Initiatives - Rerunning of NISHTHA -3.0 & 4.0 on DIKSHA platform/APP - Instructions issued – Reg.

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The attention of the District Educational Officers, Principal Govt.DIETs and the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in thestate are invited to the ref cited and it is informed that in pursuit of the outlined goals in the National Education Policy (NEP), the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has initiated the NISHTHA program in col laboration with s tates /Union Territories (UTs ) and autonomous bodies.

NISHTHA 3.0 (FLN) for NIPUN Bharat is specifically aimed at all teachers and school heads from pre-primary to class V, making it ma andatory training program.

There are a total of 12 courses offered in NISHTHA 3.0 (FLN) (Details given in Annexure-1)

NISHTHA 4.0 for Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) was initiated on 29th August 2022, with the objective of training the initial beneficiaries. This includes MEOs, CRPs, DIET faculty from the School Education Department, as well as PDs, CDPOs, and Supervisors from the Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) setup under the Women and Child Welfare Department. NISHTHA 4.0 comprises six courses (Detailsgiven in Annxure-1).

 Further, to inform that that teachers or officials who have been certified in any of the previous batches need not join the specific course again.

To ensure the completion of courses by all teachers and school heads,NCERT has taken the initiative to reopen NISHTHA 3.0 and NISHTHA 4.0 courses, and states have been directed to follow suit. With the aim to maximize outreach and ensure the completion of courses by all teachers and school heads, a request is made to rerun all NISHTHA (FLN) & NISHTHA 4.0 (ECCE) Courses for the academic year 2024-25, as per the following schedule.

a. Enrollment End Date: 31st August 2024

b. Course End Date: 15th September 2024

Comprehensive Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), guidelines, and course links accompanied by QR codes for the rerun of NISHTHA 3.0 and 4.0 are provided in Annexure-1 (enclosed).

To obtain a certificate, beneficiaries are required to successfully complete 100% of the course material and achieve a minimum score of 70%in the end-of-course assessment, with a maximum of three attempts allowed. From the pool of certified candidates, NCERT will subsequently choose master trainers for the upcoming phase of training. This second phase will concentrate on training Anganwadi teachers and is scheduled for rollout in the next academic year.

The following staff members from Samagra Shiksha and SCERT, Andhra Pradesh have been designated as coordinators for the effective implementation of the NISHTHA 3.0 and NISHTHA 4.0 rerun program in the state.


To enhance the effective implementation of the program and ensure a 100% completion rate for teachers' courses the MEO-1 are responsible NISHTHA 3.0 at Mandal level and Academic Monitoring Officers at district level.

 Further, AMOs and Principals of Government have joint responsibility to ensure the 100% completion of NISHTHA 4.0 by CRPs, MEOs, and DIET faculty.

Therefore, the District Educational Officers, Principal Govt. DIETs and the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the state are ins truc ted to over see the im plem entation of the program and further instructed to conduct weekly review meetings with Principals of DIETs,Academic Monitoring Officers (AMOs) to ensure effective monitoring and coordination.

It is requested to disseminate course links and schedules to facilitate a smooth rollout of the programs.


NISHTHA 4.0 (ECCE) Courses Join Links 

1. English Significance of the Early Years    Click here 

● Hindi प्रारं भिक वर्षों का महत्व      Click here 

2. English Planning a Play-Based Learning Environment   Click here 

● Hindi खेल-आधाररत सीखनेकेपररवेश का ननयोजन     Click here 

3. English Play-Based Activities for Holistic Development    Click here 

● Hindi समग्र नवकास केललए खेल-आधाररत गभतनवभधयां     Click here 

4. English Partnerships with Parents and Communities    Click here 

● Hindi अभििावक और समुदायों के साथ साझेदारी.        Click here 

5. English School Readiness.       Click here 

● Hindi स्कू ल केललए तैयारी.   Click here 

6. English Birth to 3 years - Early Intervention for Special Needs.  Click here 

● Hindi जन्म से3 साल - नवशेर्ष आवश्यकताओं केललए प्रारं भिक हस्तक्षेप.   Click here 

 NISHTHA FLN Courses Join Links 


1 English Introduction to FLN Mission.                 Click here 

● Hindi बुनियादी साक्षरता और संख्या ज्ञाि निशि का पररचय.      Click here

● Urdu بنیادی خواندگی اور اعداد شناسی مشن کا تعارف             Click here

● Telugu AP_NISHTHA 3.0 (FLN)_1.భాష – గణితంలలో పునాది అక్షరాస్యత మిషన్ 

పరిచయం - Batch-5             Click here

2 English Shifting Towards Competency Based Education.  Click here

● Hindi दक्षता आधाररत शशक्षा की ओर बढ़ना              Click here

● Urdu قابلیت پر مبنی تعلیم کی طرف منتقل ہونا.           Click here

● Telugu AP_FLN_2 సామరయాాధారిత విదాయవిధానం దిశగామార్పు -Batch-5    Click here

3 English Understanding Learners: How Children Learn?       Click here

● Hindi बच्चों की सीखनेकी प्रनिया को समझना : बच्चेकै से सीखतेहै?            Click here

● Urdu آموزگاروں کو سمجھنا: بچے کیسے ؟ سیکھتے ہیں                Click here

● Telugu AP_FLN_3. పిలలలు ఎలా నేర్పుకుంటార్ప, అర్ధంచేస్ుకుంటార్ప ? - Batch-5

Click here

4 English Involvement of Parents and Communities for FLN   Click here

● Hindi बुननयादी साक्षरता एवंसं ख्‍याज्ञान मेंसमुदाय एवं अभििावकों की सहिानगता  Click here

● Urdu بنیادی خواندگی اور اعداد شناسی میں والدین اور معاشرے کی شمولیت       Click here

● Telugu AP_FLN_4.భాషా, గణితoలలో పునాదిన ైపుణాయల అభివృదయిలో తల్లలదండ్ురలు మరియు సామాజిక వరాాల పుమేయం - Batch-5       Click here

5 English Understanding ‘Vidya Pravesh’ and ‘Balvatika’     Click here

● Hindi ‘नवद्या प्रवेश’‍एवं ‘बालवानिका’‍की समझ           Click here

● Urdu ودیا پرویش’ اور ‘بال واٹیکا’ کی ‘ تفہیم             Click here

● Telugu AP_FLN_5. విదయ పువేశ్ -బాలవాటిక అవగాహన - Batch-5     Click here

6 English Foundational Language and Literacy      Click here

● Hindi बुननयादी िार्षा और साक्षरता              Click here

 ● Urdu خواندگی اور زبان بنیادی.                     Click here 


● Telugu AP_FLN_6 పునాది భాష మరియు అక్షరాస్యత - Batch-5      Click here

7 English Multilingual Education in Primary Grades          Click here

● Hindi प्राथनमक कक्षाओं मेंबहुिार्षी शशक्षण          Click here

● Urdu پرائمری درجات میں کثیر لسانی تعلیم            Click here

● Telugu AP_FLN_7.ప్ాు థమిక తర్గతులలో బహుభాషా విదయ -Batch-5   Click here

8 English Learning Assessment    Click here

 ● Hindi सीखनेका आकलन         Click here

● Urdu قدر اندازہ کا موزشٓا.          Click here

● Telugu AP_FLN_8. FLN లో మూలాయంకనం మరియు దాని స్వభావం - Batch-5   Click here

9 English Foundational Numeracy    Click here

● Hindi बुननयादी सं ख्यात्मकता        Click here

● Urdu شناسی اعداد بنیادی     Click here

● Telugu AP_FLN_9.పునాది స్ంఖ్ాయశాస్్రము - Batch-5.      Click here

10 English School Leadership for Foundational Literacy and Numeracy.  

Click here

● Hindi बुननयादी साक्षरता एवं सं ख्या ज्ञान हेतुनवद्यालय नेतृत्व.        Click here

● Urdu اسکولی قیادت برائے بنیادی خواندگی و اعداد نگاری         Click here

● Telugu AP_FLN_10. భాష గణితం లలో పునాది అక్షరాస్యత కొర్కు ప్ాఠశాల నాయకతవం - Batch-5.       Click here

11 English Integration of ICT in Teaching, Learning and Assessment.   

Click here

● Hindi शशक्षण, अभधगम और मूल्यांकन मेंसूचना और सं चार प्रौद्योनगकी (ICT) का एकीकरण.      Click here

● Urdu قدر سے تدریس، آموزش اور اندازہاطالعاتی و مواصالتی ٹیکنالوجی )آئی سی ٹی( کا ارتباط.             Click here

 ● Telugu AP_FLN_11. బో ధన అభ్యస్నం మదింపులలో ICT ని మిళితం చేయడ్ం - Batch-5.          Click here

12 English Toy Based Pedagogy for Foundational Stage.        Click here

● Hindi बुननयादी स्तर केललए लखलौना आधाररत शशक्षण.            Click here

● Urdu اساسی سطح کے لیے کھلونوں پر مبنی تدریسیات.              Click here

● Telugu AP_FLN_12. బొ మమల ఆధారిత బోధనా శాస్్రం -Batch-5.     Click here


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NISHTHA - 3.0 & 4.0 Rerunning on DIKSHA APP Course Join Links


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