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Friday, March 1, 2024

AP Model Schools VI class admission Notification Schedule

AP Model Schools VI class admission Notification Schedule 


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Rc.No. ESE02-34/2/2022-AD-APMS, Dated: 29/02/2024

Sub: School Education AP Model Schools Conduct of Entrance test for admission into VI class for the academic year 2024-25 in 164 AP Model schools Certain Instructions Issued- Reg.

Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No. 17 School Education (Prog. I) Dept., Dt: 11.02.2013

2. G.O.Ms.No. 22 School Education (Prog. II) Dept., Dt: 31.03.2016 . G.O.Ms.No. 31 School Education (TRG) Dept, Dt: 24.03.2023

3 4. Govt. Memo. No.2052107/2023-PROG-III, Dated: 05.02.2024

The attention of the District Educational Officers and all the Principals of AP Model Schools are informed that a press notification was issued for conducting VI class Entrance Test for admission into 164 Model Schools in the State for the academic year 2024-25.

The following tentative schedule is proposed to conduct the Admission Test for admission into Vi class in AP Model Schools.


Further it is informed that the Principals are requested to give wide publicity and to put their best efforts for full enrollment.

A Press note may be issued in local New papers under news items.

1. The services of PGTs and TGTs may be utilized for visiting all villages where Primary Schools are located in the catchment area of the Model

File No.ESE02-34/2/2022-AD-APMS

School. The advantages in taking admission into Model Schools should be explained to parents i.e., free Education, free books, free uniform, free food in the afternoon (Mid-Day-Meal), good infrastructure facilities, library and laboratory facilities, Schools affiliated to CBSE, Academic enrichment programs such as TOEFL, LIP, etc.,

2. Highly qualified teachers, extra study hours and particularly highlighting that the medium of instruction is English. 3. Meetings with self help groups, parents etc., may be organized to publicize the objectives of Model Schools and their importance.

4. The parents may be ensured that "once the admission is taken in VI class,the entire education of their children up to Il year Intermediate" will be looked after by the Government.

5. Pamphlets to be printed and distributed in surrounding villages of Model Schools narrating the advantages of studying in Model Schools.

6. Banners /Posters may be displayed in prominent places Le, at Olo Mandal Revenue Officer, Mandal Resource Centres in village secretariats and other Important places in the Mandal.

7. Awareness Programme should be conducted at school Level along with MEO, Elementary School head teachers and parents,

8. Coaching classes to students may be conducted freely for a week or so, on how to answer effectively the admission test to boost up their confidence.

All the Principals of Model Schools are instructed to take necessary steps for giving wide publicity on VI class Entrance Test. There shall be no admission to the student in APMS without clearing the entrance Examination.

Further the District Educational Officers are requested to conduct meetings with MEOs and Principals, disseminate the instructions to the field functionaries to receive more number of applications and also ensure that the admission process is conducted in a smooth and transparent manner as per schedule.

Any laxity in the matter will be viewed seriously.

5 Suresh Kumar

Commissioner of School Education 

Click here to Download Complete Notification 

AP Model Schools VI class admission Notification Schedule


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